Atlas XR Editor

No-code App 3D & VR Editor

With Atlas you can build your own 3D apps for your business in a flash. Create & update apps for Android, iOS, Windows & VR devices with just a few clicks, without any programming knowledge.
PlatformAtlas XR Editor
Schritt 6: 3D-App erstellen

Smartvus & Showrooms als 3D-App publishen.

Mit Ihren Smartvus & Showrooms können Sie mit wenigen Klicks eigene Apps in Ihrem Design erstellen & publishen. Integrieren Sie eine Mediathek mit Ihren Vertriebsunterlagen und Ihre bestehende Konfiguratoren, Preislisten & Tools.

Alle Inhalte sind offline, immer & überall verfügbar.

Tolle Funktionen.


Create & maintain content in multiple languages

Windows Support

Microsoft Windows 8, 10 & 11

Android Support

Google Android starting at Version 7

Apple iOS Support

Apple iOS Version 14, 15 and 16

Meta Quest 1 & 2

Page Templates

Gestalten Sie Ihre App nach Ihren Vorstellungen & Ihrem Firmendesign!

Media Library

Media library with custom sections of documents (images, pdfs, movies). Searchable. Multi-language support.

Movie Player

Player for local or streamed movie files.

Web Page

Embed an external website or link.

Simple Navigation Page

Fullscreen page with dynamic background images, logo, and vertical rows of buttons aligned at left and right side of the screen.

Kontakt Page

Display a map, contact information and social media channels.

Map Page

Interactive Map using Google or Apple maps. Includes live GPS and directions.

PDF Page

PDF viewer with page and overview section. Supports bookmarking and sharing of pages.

Image Gallery

Image gallery with multiple images, sliding functionality and grid overview.

List Page

Looks like a SmartVu® list but allows you to link any page (or SmartVu®).

SmartVu® Start Page

Use as root layout for a simple app. Shows a list of SmartVu's®. Additional options in header. Right-side menu bar with additional linked pages (up to 3).

SmartVu® List Page

List of SmartVu's®. Additional options in header. Option to choose between bookmark layout (layout which lets the user see his bookmarked SmartVu's® or featured layout (layout with predefined SmartVu's®)

Grid Page

Fullscreen page with background image, logo, and single row of large, centered buttons.

Boxed Layout Page

Fullscreen page with dynamic 3D background, navigation bar, and single or double column list of large cells. Optional footer with additional buttons.
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