XR Podcast: Simon Graff interviews our CEO, Andreas Zeitler (in German)

    The nextReality.Podcast dives deep into the emerging worlds of 3D, AR and VR with a focus on the underlying technologies, their use cases, and most importantly the people behind them. Simon Graff, long-time host of the show features interviews with entrepreneurs, executives, investors and early adopters in our industry to inspire, inform and educate the XR community and those who want to become part of it.

    In this episode, Andreas talks about the early days of Vuframe and how the company started only 5 years ago. He explains how his background in 3D game development proved crucial for building the Vuframe® 3D Cloud platform. Valuable stories, especially interesting for fellow entrepreneurs, on what it means to grow a “one-man show” to a real company generating millions in revenue with high caliper customers such as SIEMENS, Bosch and S.Oliver are included. Finally and not to miss are his revealing tales on his encounter with Frank Thelen and his travel experience with Carsten Maschmeyer in Las Vegas...

    The podcast streams on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud.

    The visually inclined can watch the exchange on YouTube, see below.

    We would like to thank Simon for hosting Andreas on the XR podcast and for producing this very interesting and entertaining interview! We hope to do it again soon.

    Rodrigo Angstrom

    Rodrigo ist bei Vuframe im Produkt Management tätig.